In ‘Saturday Night’ (2024), we follow the chaotic and exhilarating 90 minutes leading up to the debut episode of what is now known as ‘Saturday Night Live’ (SNL) on October 11, 1975—a night that would forever change American television and comedy scene. The film...
The decade of the 2010s had a lot of great cinema to offer with exciting superhero team ups, advancements in visual effects, revivals of classic franchises, and many new exciting directors coming into the limelight. One of the most promising young talents to succeed...
Gene Kelly was born August 23, 1912 and passed away February 2, 1996 at the age of 84. A true entertainer that could do it all: sing, dance, act, and direct. He was a perfectionist in his work and uncompromising when a vision was in sight. Throughout his career he was...
Ever since its predecessor in 2003, the Luther franchise has been a popular and well-respected storyline. In 2023, Idris Elba made his second appearance as John Luther, the incredible detective who has been locked behind bars, partly continuing the storyline of the...
Photo: Cristiano Ronaldo wearing denim in Pepe Jeans Poster A once unpopular fabric in the realm of high-society fashion, denim has pushed its way into luxury retail. Although it can be considered a cheap alternative to other high-quality fabrics, the customizable...
On September 9th, 2024, the world lost a film legend. Known the world over for his voice, charisma, and unrivaled presence on stage and screen, James Earl Jones was one of the most versatile and decorated actors in modern film history. He was an EGOT, one of a select...
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