The 90s and 2000s featured some of the most memorable cartoons that are the epicenter of nostalgia for an entire generation. Everyone that grew up during these years has their own memories of avidly watching and being a fan of some kind of cartoon, whether it would...
In 2024, film adaptations of popular literature continue to captivate audiences. One of the year’s most intriguing entries is ‘The Wild Robot,’ a film based on Peter Brown’s 2016 novel of the same name. Directed by Chris Sanders, the film reimagines the...
Hollywood has long been a breeding ground for innovation, and the industry’s latest leap into the future is driven by artificial intelligence (AI). Lionsgate, one of the industry’s most prominent production companies, recently announced a partnership with...
The entertainment industry is at a pivotal moment. As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes increasingly prevalent in film and television production, it has also started to reshape the world of animation. With the recent SAG-AFTRA strike sparking conversations about...
These days, it has become commonplace to see young children on devices in public. For example, you may pass a mom in the grocery store and observe the toddler in her cart tapping away on an iPad. At first, this seems like a good system. The mom gets to take her time...
For centuries, people have always found ways to push agendas in society, typically through either forceful invasion and violence or thoughtful advocacy for societal change. History has shown that while aggression and force can temporarily alter societal structures,...