The third season of the hit television comedy ‘Abbott Elementary’, created by Quinta Brunson, premiered on ABC on February 7, 2024. With a shortened season of just 14 episodes, the mockumentary maintained its trademark humor and intentional storytelling and continued...
The film industry is in a much different place now than it was back in the 2000s. The most popular franchise was the ‘Harry Potter’ series and the genre of superhero films was only beginning to really gain in popularity. But in 2008, a film came out that would...
Adam Silver, born April 25, 1962, is the current commissioner of the National Basketball Association (NBA) and has served as the CEO of the league for the last decade. Over his 32-year career with the NBA, Silver has made tough decisions, generated significant...
When ‘Gravity Falls’ premiered on Disney Channel in 2012, it must have been hard to imagine the cultural phenomenon that it would become in the following years, but that didn’t keep creator Alex Hirsch from dreaming big. Though it only ran for two seasons on Disney...
The world’s foremost sports competition, globally known as the Olympics, took place in Paris , France this summer. A total of 206 countries participated and they ranked from 1st to 84th place, including a number of ties. The multi-sport, international athletic...
The 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris have been the talk of the town, the town being the entire world. From the return of old fan favorites like Simone Biles and Sha’Carri Richardson to new instant celebrities like Stephen Nedoroscik and Henrik Christiansen (AKA “Pommel...
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